Who We Are
Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA/Agency) is a regional wastewater treatment agency and wholesale distributor of imported water. Today, the Agency is responsible for serving approximately 935,000 people over 242 square miles in western San Bernardino County. The Agency is focused on providing three key services: (1) treating wastewater and developing recycled water, local water resources, and conservation programs to reduce the region’s dependence on imported water supplies, thus enabling the service area to become drought-resilient; (2) converting biosolids and waste products into a high-quality compost made from recycled materials; and (3) generating electrical energy from renewable sources.
Drought Status & Water Supply Awareness
Regardless of drought conditions, maximizing water-use efficiency efforts will help maintain a reliable, high-quality water supply today, tomorrow and for future generations.
While a portion of our region’s water supply depends on imported water, IEUA is prepared to meet the region’s current and future water supply needs by investing in innovative programs such as the Chino Basin Program, which enhance IEUA’s commitment to water supply diversification during times of drought and guarantee that our region can count on their water supply for essential uses such as drinking, bathing and cleaning, even during prolonged, critically dry and drought conditions.
How IEUA is Preparing
In addition to sound planning and securing local water supplies through the Chino Basin Program, IEUA is investing in critical infrastructure to improve resiliency while at the same time staying committed to minimizing rate increases and keeping costs low.
The Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 5 (RP-5) Expansion Project will meet all regulatory requirements, utilize energy efficient equipment and continue to provide recycled water to IEUA’s service area as it continues to grow. The Project will include infrastructure for RP-5’s ultimate buildout to treat an average flow of 30 million gallons per day (mgd), a peak flow of 60 mgd and allow for the decommissioning of Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 2 (RP-2) once the spillway height of nearby Prado Dam is raised.
How You Can Prepare
Smart water planning starts with water saving efforts. Every gallon of water saved within the Chino Basin translates into reduced demand for imported water supplies. In partnership with the Metropolitan Water District, the State of California and the local retail water agencies of the Chino Basin, IEUA offers no-cost water saving rebates and programs that reward residents and businesses for upgrading to a water efficient landscape and installing water efficient devices and appliances.
Commercial Turf Replacement Program
The Turf Replacement Program maximizes water utilization and conservation by removing existing grass and replacing it with organic, drought tolerant landscaping. Businesses can earn a rebate of up to $2.00 per square foot of turf removed. Every turf replacement project will include:
- 3 plants per 100 square feet of area transformed
- A stormwater retention feature
- No hardscape within the transformed area, except permeable hardscape
- Replacement or modification of overhead spray sprinklers
*Synthetic turf is not an approved conversion option for this program.
Large Landscape Retrofit Program
This free program includes an evaluation of a customer’s existing irrigation system and replacement of an existing controller with a new weather-based irrigation controller. Weather-based irrigation controllers:
- Set watering schedules
- Adjust watering schedules based on local weather
- Monitor water usage
Customers may learn more about weather-based irrigation controllers through educational instruction offered by IEUA’s vendor. Depending on lot size, customers may also be eligible for free installation of high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles.
Take the Pledge
For more information on our Time Is Always Now campaign, click here.