A new school year brings new activities for IEUA’s
Water Discovery Program!
Need to plan a trip for your 3rd, 4th or 5th grade class? Schedule your FREE Water Discovery Field Trip to the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park! Take a tour of the Chino Creek Wetlands and choose from several activities that align with the California State Curriculum Standards; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to tailor your field trip to your 3rd, 4th or 5th grade class.
Some activities available for the 3-5 grade levels include:
Water Cycle Bracelets (2-6)
Students will learn about the water cycle and the different states in which water moves through the water cycle. Students will simulate the journey of water molecules moving through the water cycle and will collect beads to represent their movements. At the end of the activity, students will discuss their specific journey, including molecule transfer. Students will be able to keep their journey bracelets as a reminder of the varying journeys water molecules take.

Enviroscape (3-8)
Students will observe a three-dimensional model of a watershed. Students will learn about the Santa Ana Watershed, pollution (point and non-point) and effects of pollution, and groundwater contamination. Students will “pollute” the watershed by placing “pollutants” (i.e. Kool-Aid, sprinkles and cocoa powder) on the model and will then simulate rainfall (spray bottle) and observe the effects of the “pollutants” on the community and water supply.
Edible Aquifers (3-8)
Students will learn about aquifers, groundwater and pollutants. The students will create an edible model of an aquifer- groundwater (clear soda), sand and gravel (cookie crumbs), rocks (gummy bears), and clay (ice cream), and simulate how “pollutants” (sprinkles) enter an aquifer. Then using a straw, student’s drill a well in the middle of their aquifer to simulate how water is pumped from the aquifer and the effects of the pollutants. A discussion on pollution sources will be included. Students will need to have a completed consent form to participate in this activity.

** Schedule and have your field trip by Thursday, December 15, 2016 and receive FREE sunglasses and water pouches for all participants! **
We also offer a FREE mini busing grant for all schools in California!
To schedule a FREE Water Discovery Field Trip, visit: ieuadev.wpengine.com/facilities/chino-creek-wetlands-educational-park/water-discovery-program/ and click “Schedule a Field Trip” to fill out the field trip request form.
For more information on activities, curriculum alignment, scheduling calendar, and busing grant application, visit: ieuadev.wpengine.com/facilities/chino-creek-wetlands-educational-park/water-discovery-program/.
We hope to see you this 2016-2017 school year!
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Cabana, External Affairs Specialist I at (909) 993-1925 or kcabana@ieua.org.