What are you doing for World Water Day 2012?
Here at the Chino Creek Park SAWA will be hosting the second annual World Water Day event with the Girls Scouts of the U.S.A. for two days; March 21 & March 23!!
Last year SAWA coordinated the first annual event with 153 girls from Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. This year we are excited to host the event again at the Chino Creek Park. Thanks to SAWA and all their efforts there has been such a hudge response towards this event that the March 21 date complety booked.
For more information for March 23rd please check on SAWA’s Education website http://sawaedu.org/?q=WWD2012
So if you are interested in participating please contact SAWA; Annie Yennie at annie@sawaedu.org or Carrie Raleigh at carrie@sawaedu.org.