Native Plant Week History
Second Annual California Native Plant Week, April 15 – April 22, 2012.
The first California Native Plant Week (CNPW) in 2011 would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Mike Ross, Barbara Wolf, Nancy Morin, Mark Naftzger, Diana Ruiz, the CNPW Committee and chapter members. The contributions by many volunteers has transformed California Native Plant Week from text in a bill, to a wonderful program that will promote, educate, and conserve California’s rich native flora for future generations.
The California State Assembly and Senate approved Resolution ACR 173 establishing California Native Plant Week, which proclaims the 3rd week of April, each year, as California Native Plant Week and encourages community groups, schools, and citizens to undertake appropriate activities to promote the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of California’s native plants.
The resolution (ACR 173) was introduced by Assemblywoman Noreen Evans (D – Napa) and sponsored by the California Native Plant Society, while it garnered the support of horticulturalists, conservation organizations, and nurseries throughout California.
ACR 173 recognizes the vital historical, artistic, and economic contributions California’s native plants have made to our State, and points out that California native plant gardening and landscaping have tremendous positive impacts to our watersheds, to habitat recovery, and to curbing catastrophic wildfires. In particular, the resolution recognizes that home landscaping and gardening with native plants can cut residential water use from 60 to 90% over conventional gardening.
For more information and to find events please click here: Native Plant Week!!
For information on events, landscape workshops and plant sales click here: IE Garden Friendly