Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA/Agency) General Manager Shivaji Deshmukh issues the following statement on the Department of Water Resources’ announcement today of a zero percent initial State Water Project allocation:

“Drought is no stranger to the residents of California. While the Inland Empire region has experienced cyclical dry conditions for nearly 20 years, the declared water shortage on the Colorado River and record low storage levels in State reservoirs highlight the severity of current drought conditions and the importance of water-use efficiency efforts to minimize the effects of additional water supply restrictions.

“In light of today’s news regarding a zero percent initial State Water Project allocation, an imported water supply that makes up a portion of the region’s water portfolio, which many Southern Californians depend heavily on, IEUA is continuing to proactively make investments that will diversify the area’s water supply while addressing the resource needs of the region. The Agency and its Board recognize the value of these innovative projects and programs and, as conditions intensify, reiterate the importance of taking into consideration the value of water and steps the community must take towards saving this precious resource. Whether it be shorter showers, turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or fixing leaks, no action is too small.

“As we continue to hope for improved conditions, it is imperative we all do our part to adapt to this new normal. While IEUA and its member agencies continue to make great strides in water supply resiliency regardless of climate conditions, we rely on and appreciate the actions of the region to step up their water saving efforts and help us maintain a reliable, high-quality water supply today, tomorrow and for future generations. Visit for water-saving rebates and programs available.”

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