Recycled Water Key Terms
Acre Foot (AF) - Measurement for water qualing 325,851 gallons, [...]
Acre Foot (AF) - Measurement for water qualing 325,851 gallons, [...]
Water is in short supply in California. A great deal [...]
Yes. Recycled water is cost-effective because large amounts of recycled [...]
Yes, it is perfectly safe to consume fish that swim [...]
Yes, tertiary treated recycled water is perfectly safe for crop [...]
Recycled water and potable water lines are kept separate. All [...]
IEUA conducts rail, weekly, quarterly, and annual sampling of recycled [...]
Water treatment technology has been developed to mimic nature's cleansing [...]
To protect the environment and meet local water needs. Water [...]
Recycled water is wastewater that has been purified through a [...]