In partnership with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and local retail water agencies of the Chino Basin, IEUA offers water efficient rebates that reward residential customers for selecting high efficiency toilets, clothes washers, landscape devices, and other appliances and rewards business customers for purchasing and/or installing water efficient appliances.

IEUA offers residential rebates through SoCal WaterSmart, including: high efficiency clothes washers, high efficiency toilets, weather-based irrigation controllers, high efficiency sprinkler nozzles, rain barrels, soil moisture sensors, and free landscape evaluations. IEUA offers commercial rebates through SoCal WaterSmart, including; high efficiency toilets, urinals, and irrigation devices, food industry, plumbing, and HVAC equipment, and incentives for public agency landscape and water savings incentive programs for commercial customers.

IEUA also offers a residential automatic water softener rebate.

Funding is limited and program participation is on a first come, first served basis, only.
Programs run annually on a fiscal basis from July 1st through June 30th.

For additional information regarding any of the residential or commercial rebates, or to inquire about any water management program, IEUA encourages residents to call their local water agency or visit IEUA Rebates.

Automatic Water Softener