Interested suppliers are encouraged to visit the “Doing Business with IEUA” page for information to familiarize themselves with the Agency’s purchasing practices. By helping suppliers become familiar with its process, the Agency seeks to foster relationships with suppliers who offer quality goods and services at competitive prices. The Inland Empire Utilities Agency acquires materials, supplies, equipment, consultants and other professional services, job-site services, and other requirements through a process of determining the best value for the Agency. This process ensures fair and reasonable prices while meeting our fiduciary responsibilities of protecting and preserving public trust.
The Inland Empire Utilities Agency uses PlanetBids to allow vendors easy online access to Bids, RFPs, RFQs, Addenda, and bid results. All interested vendors may register to access this information, by clicking on the “Vendor Registration” link. We look forward to providing our vendors with more bid information, less paperwork and an easier method of doing business with us.