CU for the Etiwanda Wastewater Line (EWL) and Inland Empire Brine Line (IEBL) systems is defined as 15 instantaneous gallons per minute. The Person/User must acquire enough CU to accommodate their peak flows rounded up to the nearest multiple of 15. The cost for each CU is set in the Wastewater Disposal Rates Resolutions.
CU for the Non-Reclaimable Wastewater System (North NRWS) is defined by the following equation:
Where gpd = gallons per day; ppd = pounds per day
The Person/User must acquire enough NRWS CU to meet their wastewater discharge. For the NRWSCU, the Person/User can either purchase upfront or lease annually. The cost for each NRWS CU is set in the Wastewater Disposal Rates Resolutions.