What is WEWAC? Water Education Water Awareness Committee
The purpose of the WEWAC EduGrant program is to improve and supplement academic instruction by providing financial support to teachers seeking to do creative classroom projects that increase students’ awareness of the importance of water in Southern California.
Awards will be granted in amounts up to $750 per project. WEWAC may award up to $11,250 in total grant funding during 2011-2012.
Focus of Projects
Projects must specifically focus on drinking water issues. They may involve sources of water, environmental issues, water treatment, water quality, water conservation, political or government issues, etc. Creative and unique approaches to water education are highly encouraged.
How to Apply
Complete the grant application form provided. Please limit proposals to three (3) pages. Describe the project in detail, including supportive activities, objectives, and overall benefits to the students. Applicants must show how the EduGrant will help you achieve your goal. An itemized budget must be included for grant consideration. The signatures of both the principal and the teacher are required for all proposals. Grant Application Form
The deadline for the 2011-12 EduGrant is Thursday, November 3, 2011, 5 p.m.
This can be used for the Chino Creek Wetlands Earth Day Event!!