Eagle Canyon Elementary Hosts a Garden Dedication!
On Friday, April 22nd, in coordination with Earth day, Chino Valley Unified School District’s Eagle Canyon Elementary School hosted a garden dedication to celebrate the completion of their water-wise school garden.
Each year, schools are able to submit a garden grant application, which provides their school with a $4,500 grant to go towards the installation of a water-wise garden. Last year, Eagle Canyon submitted an application and after reviewing their grant application and garden design, they were chosen to receive this water-wise garden grant that educates students and the community on the importance of efficient water use.
Along with a serpentine to the garden, ribbon cutting, butterfly and lady bug release, students from each grade level did a presentation at the garden dedication.
Mrs. McGuire’s first grade class singing the Vegetable Song.
Mrs. Corsaro’s kindergarten class reciting the Earthworm Poem
and released earthworms into the garden.
Eagle Canyon Elementary’s garden features six planter boxes designated to each grade level growing varieties of vegetables such as pumpkins and radishes. Citrus trees and California Native plants were planted around the perimeter of the garden.
Mr. Sergio Robleto, a teacher at Ayala High School painted the beautiful mural pictured above. Students submitted their ideas for the mural and Mr. Robleto stenciled the design for students to get involved by doing a paint by numbers.
On behalf of the Inland Empire Utilities Agency Board of Directors and the city of Chino Hills, Congratulations to Eagle Canyon Elementary for a job well done and for bringing an inspiring outdoor classroom to life! Happy gardening!