Q: Dear Owlie,
I recently moved into a new home, but the house itself is rather old. The toilets have not been replaced in some time and are terrible water wasters. What type of toilets should I buy to save me the most water?
Water Wasting Remover
Water Wasting Remover
A: Dear Water Wasting Remover,
Thank you for actively looking for a replacement of your water-wasting toilet. The latest and greatest water-saving models of toilets are the Dual-Flush, “High-Efficiency Toilets.” These toilets have two flush options, a half flush for liquid waste and a full flush for solid waste, which can use as little as .8 – 1.28 gallons per flush. This “High-Efficiency Toilet” can save you up to 19 gallons per person/day, and if replacing a traditional toilet with this model, you can save approximately 23,000 gallons a year. Visit ieuadev.wpengine.com to learn more water-saving tips.
Good luck with your replacement of your water-wasting toilet,