The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) recently selected the winners of its annual 2014 “Water is Life” art poster contest. Each year students in grades K-12 from within IEUA’s service area are invited to create pieces of artwork using the theme “Water is Life.” The objective was for the students to create an artistic poster manifesting water wise usage and water conservation topics. This year IEUA received over 900 student entries from schools within the service area.
The student’s entries were judged on originality, water message, portrayal of water-use efficiency and the use of bold, bright colors. The entries were categorized by grade levels: kindergarten through fifth grade, sixth through eighth grade, and ninth through 12th grade. The top three winners in each category received a certificate along with a gift card to a local book store. Each teacher with a winning student entry received a gift card to a local school supply store. In addition, the winning entries will be sent to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) to be entered into their regional art contest. The winners of MWD’s contest will be announced in the fall and will be recognized at a special event in early December.
9-12 grade winners:
6-8 grade winners:
K-5 grade winners: